Osteochondrosis and Marta, a disease of the spine is characterized degenerative changes in the structure of cartilage discs and the bone bases. The pathology that manifests a work of original art, mainly of 30 years.

The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease may be different, which complicates the process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
A feature of the disease
Cervical spine consists of les and the vertebrae nerve endings. Low back pain this area is formed by the degeneration intervertebral nucleus of the. While the pathology flows from piegaro affected and important blood vessels.
The disease and well disguised as other disorders because the symptoms of osteoarthritis is characterized by episodes of headaches, as well as a significant physical discomfort in the neck. Complain about patients with problems of the pressure and nausea. Often, many confuse with these signs diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Often, in the background running problems which starts the patient quickly losing consciousness, there is no difficulty breathing and numbness of the tongue. The majority of the disease is diagnosed in the original work of art people from the age of 30 years, because of the dynamic constant and static loads. These violations occur even in teenagers.
The degree of development
The symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease depend largely on the degree of development of the disease. In the first stage, the disturbed nutrition cartilage tissue, which results in the production of certain enzymes that is characterized by the impact destructive. The person is sent very uncomfortable. To get rid of these symptoms will help you daily morning exercises.
In the second stage, the effect by the bias of pathological enzymes constant is on the rise, and the body begins to develop inflammation. The cartilage gradually wears away, causing the vertebrae to start to play, zadamlya nerve endings. Painful sensations become more pronounced. A person becomes very difficult to work with.
The third degree, it starts to form tumors, and growths in the bone tissue. The symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, in this case, manifested in the form of intense pain. There has been a violation of the metabolism, so that the spine in the area of appearance inflammation, begin to deposit the salt. Begins the process of ossification of the vertebrae, which leads to the development of a progressive herniated disc.

Not always possible to immediately determine the stage of the disease according to the available symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, as the degree of destruction of tissue may not coincide with the available evidence.
Before defining the symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, it is necessary to understand exactly what factors affect the formacio of pathological process. The development of the disease influenced by the pathological and physiological processes, which are closely interrelated and are, mainly, considered in its entirety.
Physiological changes can be triggered by irreversible aging processes in the cartilage. Physical discomfort The occurs when irritation of the nerve endings. Pathological changes that could originate to produce as a result of the inappropriate use of the diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. Primarily, these are teens disorders of middle age and the people.
In some cases low back pain can be done or manifested in the form of short-term interruptions. Among the main factors that led to the need of the following:
- the lack of regular physical activity;
- weight;
- frequent stay in an awkward position;
- bad pillow or mattress;
- nervous strain;
- hypothermia;
- injuries to the face and neck.
The reason for the development of degenerative disc disease can be congenital abnormalities, but also different types of autoimmune disease.
The main symptoms

The neck has many blood vessels and nerve endings. And why the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical, thoracic, and associated with ischemia of the individual regions of the brain. In addition, the piegaro that provide the engine of the activity and the sensitivity of the shoulder girdle and upper limbs, destroyed when compressed vertebrae can cause different symptoms. The symptoms and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease depend largely on which system affected by the disease process. In particular, one can distinguish the following characteristics:
- violation of microcirculation of the blood of the ca of the compression arteries vertebral.
- signs of lesion of the nerve endings;
- severe neurotic pathology in severe cases.
The first symptom of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis, in the presence of sensations in the neck of the back of the head and neck region. Localization of pain may be more advanced, causing severe migraines. The nature depends on the pain to a large extent on the severity of the injury and course of the disease. In the initial stages of the disease, the physical discomfort can take place, gradually the pain becomes chronic, pain in the nature. In the period of acute pain and shooting, increases the tone of the muscles of the neck and restricted head movement.
Among the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease in women, and the properties can distinguish the presence of tons of noise and the ears and also nasal. In some cases, the disability hearing. All these symptoms are related to a decrease in the blood flow.
Also among the main features are the following:
- dizziness,
- the pressure drops
- the lack of air,
- nausea,
- blurred vision.
Vertigo and considered the un of the symptoms of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis. Caused Are to a the flow of blood to the organs, which provides the un balance of the body. The lack of air can occur due to irritation of nerve endings, involved in the regulation of breathing process. Patients often complain that they can't breathe. In some cases, the symptoms exacerbated lack the serious of breath, or asthma attacks.
The lack of oxygen associat a breath, and the main cause of the object the extension of the fatigue, reduction of attention and problems with memory. In some cases, they may have nausea, and caused that to a poor circulation of certain parts of the brain. Sometimes, it can be accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine in the are evident deterioration of the visual acuity. However, this failure occurs very rarely. It should be noted that the realization of exercises and therapeutic glasses are not have the desired result, and the vision improved the original work of art only in the treatment of degenerative disc disease.

Unstable pressure caused by poor circulation in the area of the brain responsible for the functioning of the vascular-motor centre. In some cases, there may be un slight increase of the local temperature and redness of the skin.
And important to recognize the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease. Physical discomfort and pain not occurs always, for this reason that fundamental, in carrying out the un's comprehensive examination and treatment competent. It should be noted that each patient has the crisis and audible clicks when moving the neck and on the basis of this and the possible to recognize the course of the disease.
If you experience symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment the need to start immediately, reason for which consult the un's best neurologist. To determine the cause of existing signs requires scrutiny.
During the inspection for the realization of test neurological, the doctor assesses the degree of mobility and the pain in the neck, and especially in the circulation artery of the vertebral. Among the methods of diagnosis of the directors and necessary to highlight the following:
- the x-ray of the cervical vertebrae,
- discography,
- tomography,
- myelography,
- ultrasonic dopplerography.
All this will allow us to determine the location of damage and the degree of neglect of the disease and to choose the more sure scheme of therapy. The long process of treatment and I requires patience.
Completely To restore the structure of cartilage and impossible, however, and significantly improve the quality of life and to get rid of chronic pain. And very important to trace the course of the disease, if necessary, adjust the treatment programme and plan for possible improvements or complications.
The peculiarity of the treatment
Regardless of the presence of symptoms of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease conservative is done by methods I and always complex. Requires the use of drugs, in particular:
- anti-inflammatory drugs,
- analgesics,
- corticosteroids,
- muscle relaxants,
- vitamin complexes.

In severe cases, prescribe procaine blockade in the area of pain. Sometimes, it can be shown that the introduction of methods hormonal. In addition, the sample of the local treatment, which involves applying warming ointments and gels. The un good effect of physiotherapy, and therapeutic exercise. These techniques allow for very fast and sure to strengthen the muscles of the neck. However, if their use, a possible original work of art only to the reduction in the period of acute.
To increase the space between the vertebrae is shown stretching the hardware of the spine. In severe cases need surgical intervention, but this should be relevant evidence.
The therapy can be complemented with the use of orthopedic neck of the Trench. Due to the strong fixation of the cervical vertebrae treatment is done much faster. Allows This device to quickly deal with feelings painful, to normalize the blood circulation in the neck and improve the general health of the patient.
Drug therapy
According to the symptoms of cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis treatment drugs individually prepared. Therapy has as its goal the sensations eliminate the inflammation and the return of normal mobility of the les of the circulation to the vertebrae and the blood.
Among the main groups of the following drugs:
- analgesics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- chondroprotectors;
- muscle relaxants — relaxes muscles and s used as perhaps auxiliary to eliminate the pain;
- vitamin complexes.
The funds needed for external use, which can be used in the form of ointments / gels. The un good effect "Nurofen" and "Voltaren". They help to normalize the blood circulation, eliminate the pain and spasms, I produced un warming effect.
Will help to eliminate the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis treatment, the normalization of the circulation of the brain. To improve the metabolic processes in the brain, as well as the thought and the recovery of memory requires the un nootropic drugs.
Techniques of physiotherapy
Quickly I sure that helps to eliminate the symptoms of cervical degenerative disk disease in house special treatment with exercises therapeutic. In addition to the physical therapy and the use of drugs, the range of activities includes the following methods

- stretching of the spine,
- massage,
- physiotherapeutic effect.
Stretching the spine will help to increase the spaces between the vertebrae. However, keep in mind that the load should be measured. The impact made in different forms, in particular, the use with tables of special.
Very good results gives the massage. This procedure normalizes the blood circulation, nutrition and gas exchange in cartilaginous tissue. In addition, with the help of massage can eliminate muscle tension and cramps, to get rid of sensations.
Physiotherapeutic consists of effect in the use of destinations tools, such as:
- the laser treatment
- magnetic field,
- ultrasound,
- the low frequency is real.
In some cases it's also used medication in combination with physiotherapy, the impact of which increases their efficacy and prevents side effects.
Acupuncture allows you to increase or decrease several processes in the body due to the impact on biològicament'active points. The greater maximum yield of all these measures s achieved when a complex app.
Folk methods
If the experience of the primers symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home involves the use of therapeutic bath, allowing you to rapidly remove the pain and the inflammation. In addition, the relaxation that promote the spine. The water treatment should be carried out in a day and the treatment course of procedures, and 15-20.
In the water bath, you can add the un-prepared decoctions of herbs of peppermint, chamomile, birch, lemon balm or sage. For the intake of good tea with yarrow, as it helps to quickly remove the inflammation, pain and spasms. As a compress, you can use a solution of sea salt. Will help you to eliminate quickly the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease treatment at home, however, before using any means and methods necessary to consult the un medical doctor to avoid examining complications.

The best form of prevention, the un healthy lifestyle, as well as the formacio of posture from childhood. With the purpose of prophylaxis and recommended:
- the power of the adjustment.
- use of orthopedic pillows and mattresses for sleeping;
- gentle elevation.
The initial form of the disease, mainly, has expressed symptoms. If you any of experience pain whining character in the sternum should consult immediately with a doctor.